JAXB is the default java-to-XML binding API in java. The philosophy of JAXB (as many other java-to-XML binding API) is just the opposite of X-O lite philosophy: automate all the parsing so it is transparent to java objects. JAXB is one of the most advanced binding API, starting either from existing java classes or XML schema, it can generate the everything you need (i.e. generate the classes from the schema or the schema from the classes) and perform automatic marshalling/unmarshalling. JAXB is also highly configurable, with annotations in your java classes or your XML schema (depending on the starting point you've chosen), you can override the default tags, XML types, internal structures ... used in the java-to-XML binding.
To compare JAXB to X-O lite, I rewrote the recursive model and model extension examples with JAXB. The aim of the comparison is not performance as both JAXB and X-O lite are based on SAX and adds only a small overhead above it. So, they should have both performance comparable to bare SAX (which, by-the-way, is more than enough for most XML parsing use cases). The comparison will rather focus on the amount of code you have to write, and the fine-grained control you have on you model structure and on the XML used to serialize it.
With JAXB, the XML schema you use is tightly coupled to the structure of your model. For example, using an element with maxOccurs>1 in the schema will force you to have a List somewhere in your code (unless you write some 'XmlAdapter' objects by hand). So, to explore how bindings are done with JAXB, I wrote the examples with 3 XML schema flavors:
The complete source code for the rewrite of the 2 previous example (recursive expressions & extension) times 3 XML schema flavors (abstract type, substitution group & choice) are located respectively in the:
directory inside the xo-lite-1.0-all.zip or xo-lite-1.0-all.tgz distribution archive. (Rem: the combination choice+extension is not possible)
To build and run all the examples:
First JAXB tend to force your model to match your schema in a one-to-one relation if you want to keep things simple and the bindings as transparent as possible (which is usually your aim if you use such a mapping tool). So, for all the schema flavors, I've modified the model to:
In addition to those 'global' changes, each of the three schema flavors have some direct implication in the code or XML.
In this case, the schema (BooleanExpression_abstr.xsd) defines an abstract 'booleanExpression' type and a set concrete types extending (named 'and', 'or', 'not' ...). The objects containing an expression or a list of expression just define they contain <expression> element(s) of type 'booleanExpression' so in the XML, we can use the concrete sub-types instead of expression.
The advantage of this solution is that the java code is not affected by the mapping.
The disadvantage is on the XML side:
Unfortunately, the resulting XML is not readable anymore, what used to be:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <or xmlns="xo-lite.sf.net/examples/expression"> <and> <variable name="ga" /> <or> <true /> <variable name="bu" /> </or> </and> ...
<?xml version="1.0"?> <expression xsi:type="or" xmlns="xo-lite.sf.net/examples/expression/jaxb_abstr" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <expression xsi:type="and"> <expression xsi:type="variable" name="ga" /> <expression xsi:type="or"> <expression xsi:type="true" /> <expression xsi:type="variable" name="bu" /> </expression> </expression> ...
As JAXB supports substitution groups, it is possible to keep a schema equivalent to the one used for the X-O lite example. In this case, the resulting XML stays exactly the same, but unfortunately it's on the code side that you have border effects.
If you use substitution groups with JAXB, you model is forced to use JAXBElement... to hold the related objects. Hence, JAXB-specific classes are polluting your code, the binding is not transparent anymore.
Of course, it's easy write additional code (special getters and setters) doing on-the-fly transformation between the JAXBElement and their contained values (and JAXB generates an ObjectFactory to help you doing that). But it means additional coding (not done in the example).
A way to avoid XML substitution groups is to embed a <choice> in a <sequence>. The limitation here is that the choice must enumerate all the possible XML elements. It means that this option deosn't allow extension (as defined in the model extension example). But, again, the resulting XML stays exactly the same as in X-O lite example.
As <sequence> and <choice> are regular XML constructs, JAXB supports it without problem and without requiring special JAXBElement.... The only drawback in code is that a <choice> with maxOccurs="1" is mapped by JAXB to a the set of all possible attributes leaving to the implementer to ensure that only one value is defined in time.
Again, it's easy write additional code (special getters and setters) doing on-the-fly casting to one single internal element (not done in the example). But it means, again, that the parsing is not transparent and you are obliged to write code by hand to have the object model you want.
JAXB is a very capable API. Rewriting the extension example with both the schema using abstract types and substitution groups was possible without additional impact on the model.
While for very simple objects the advantages of automatic java-to-XML binding tools like JAXB is evident, for more complex cases like the example tested here the advantage of JAXB is far less obvious. I would not say that in this case, X-O lite is better that JAXB. What you will perceive as the winner will depends of the compromise you are ready to do to have automated bindings.
Good point for JAXB: it is possible to use it to implement the complex examples of recursive model and extension.
Bad point for JAXB: for those examples it is not possible to have an easy solution (easy meaning not writing plumbing code by hand) preserving both 'ideal' model and XML.
I think that those examples is a java-to-XML binding problem with limit complexity for JAXB where an generic automated binding start to impose too much constraints and hence require as much effort as a hand-written solution like X-O lite. It's up to you to evaluate if your specific case is simpler or more complex than that. There are lot of cases simpler but we can also imagine cases like supporting several schemas with the same data structures or parsing complex graphs without 'refids' attributes like in the last X-O lite example.