Class BaseXMLEventParser

  extended by net.sf.xolite.impl.BaseXMLEventParser
All Implemented Interfaces:
NamespaceContext, XMLEventParser
Direct Known Subclasses:
DomXMLEventParser, SaxXMLEventParser

public abstract class BaseXMLEventParser
extends Object
implements XMLEventParser

A base XMLEventParser implementation common to many parsers.

Olivier Berlanger

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  void addLocationInfo(XMLParseException xpe)
 void delegateParsingTo(XMLSerializable handlerOfSubElements)
          Delegates the parsing of a XML fragment to an other SaxHandler.
protected  void endElementImpl(String uri, String localName)
 NamespaceContext getCurrentDefinedNamespaces()
          Get NamespacePrefixResolver mapping the prefix to the namespace URI.
 NamespacedName getCurrentElementName()
          Get the namespace URI and local name of the current element.
 Object getCustomObject(Object key)
          Get back any custom object that was put in with the putCustomObject(key, value) method.
 XMLObjectFactory getFactory()
          Get a factory able to instantiate objects corresponding to XML elements.
 XMLSerializable getLastParsedObject()
          Get the last object that called endParsing(..) method on the parser.
 String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
          Get namespace URI corresponding to the given prefix.
 String getPrefix(String namespaceURI)
          Get the first prefix mapped to the given namespace.
 Iterator<String> getPrefixes(String namespaceURI)
          Get all the prefixes mapped to the given namespace.
 NamespacedName getQualifiedName(String qName)
          Resolve a qualified name to it's namespace URI + local name.
 boolean isFirstEvent()
          'true' iff the startElement call is the first one called to the XMLSerializable currently receiving it.
 boolean isLastEvent()
          'true' iff the endElement call is the last one called to the XMLSerializable currently receiving it.
 XMLSerializable parseElement(String uri, String localName)
          Create the XMLSerializable object corresponding to the given XML element, delegates the parsing to it and return the created object.
protected  void pushPrefixMappingInNextLevel(String prefix, String namespaceURI)
 void putCustomObject(Object key, Object value)
          Put a custom object in an internal Map.
 void setFactory(XMLObjectFactory newFactory)
          Set the factory to be used by this parser.
protected  void setup(XMLSerializable rootHandler)
protected  void startElementImpl(String uri, String localName)
protected  void tearDown()
 void throwParseException(String message, Throwable cause)
          Throw an exception with given message and cause.
 void throwUnexpectedElementException(String expectedTags)
          Throw an exception telling that the current element (the one that was just passed to a startElement(..) or endElement(..) method) is unexpected.
 void throwUnexpectedNamespaceException(String expected)
          Throw an exception telling that the namespace of the current element (the one that was just passed to a startElement(..) or endElement(..) method) is unexpected.
protected  void transformAndThrowException(Exception source)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.xolite.XMLEventParser
getAttributeNameIterator, getAttributeNamespaceIterator, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValueNS, getElementText

Constructor Detail


public BaseXMLEventParser()
Method Detail


public void setFactory(XMLObjectFactory newFactory)
Set the factory to be used by this parser.

newFactory - a factory able to instantiate objects corresponding to XML elements.


public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
Get namespace URI corresponding to the given prefix.
Note: the mapped namespace set depends on the currently parsed node.

Specified by:
getNamespaceURI in interface NamespaceContext
See Also:


public String getPrefix(String namespaceURI)
Get the first prefix mapped to the given namespace.

Specified by:
getPrefix in interface NamespaceContext
See Also:


public Iterator<String> getPrefixes(String namespaceURI)
Get all the prefixes mapped to the given namespace.

Specified by:
getPrefixes in interface NamespaceContext
See Also:


public NamespacedName getCurrentElementName()
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Get the namespace URI and local name of the current element.

Specified by:
getCurrentElementName in interface XMLEventParser
the namespace URI and local name of the current element.


public NamespaceContext getCurrentDefinedNamespaces()
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Get NamespacePrefixResolver mapping the prefix to the namespace URI. A copy of the current mapping object of this parser at the moment of the call is returned.

Specified by:
getCurrentDefinedNamespaces in interface XMLEventParser


public void delegateParsingTo(XMLSerializable handlerOfSubElements)
                       throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Delegates the parsing of a XML fragment to an other SaxHandler. When this handler have finished to parse the data belonging to it, it will call the endParsing(..) method and the current parser will receive again the XML parsing events.
This method should be called from inside a startElement(..) method, the same startElement method (with same parameters) is called against the delegated (handlerOfSubElements) object by the parser.

Specified by:
delegateParsingTo in interface XMLEventParser
handlerOfSubElements - the XMLSerializable that will receive the next 'simplified SAX' events from the XMLEventParser.


public XMLSerializable parseElement(String uri,
                                    String localName)
                             throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Create the XMLSerializable object corresponding to the given XML element, delegates the parsing to it and return the created object.
Note: when returned the created object has not yet finished it's parsing. Only the first startElement(..) method has been called on it.
This method will work only if there is a factory defined and this factory knows the given element. It is equivalent to:
 XMLSerializable child = parser.getFactory().createObject(uri, localName, parser);
 parser.delegateParsingTo(child, uri, localName);
 return child;

Specified by:
parseElement in interface XMLEventParser


public boolean isFirstEvent()
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
'true' iff the startElement call is the first one called to the XMLSerializable currently receiving it.
This method can be useful for recursive XML when an object can contain itself. In this case, when startElement is called the parsed object can use this method to know if the notified event is the start of itself or the start of a direct sub-object.
Calling this method makes sense only from inside a startElement method implementation.

Specified by:
isFirstEvent in interface XMLEventParser
true iff it's the first time startElement is called against the XMLSerializable.


public boolean isLastEvent()
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
'true' iff the endElement call is the last one called to the XMLSerializable currently receiving it.
This method can be useful for recursive XML when an object can contain itself. In this case, when endElement is called, the parsed object can use this method to know if the notified event is the end of itself or the end of a direct sub-object.
Calling this method makes sense only from inside a endElement method implementation.

Specified by:
isLastEvent in interface XMLEventParser
true iff it's the first time startElement is called against the XMLSerializable.


public XMLSerializable getLastParsedObject()
                                    throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Get the last object that called endParsing(..) method on the parser.

Specified by:
getLastParsedObject in interface XMLEventParser
the last object that called endParsing(..) method on the parser.


public NamespacedName getQualifiedName(String qName)
                                throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Resolve a qualified name to it's namespace URI + local name. As the SAX parser does it automatically for elements tags or attributes, this method is useful only for elements/attributes values containing qualified names.

To map the prefix, this method will use the prefix mappings of the parsed document. If no prefix mapping is defined for a given prefix, an exception is thrown. When no prefix is defined, this method will try to find the default prefix mapping, but if no default mapping is defined, no exception is thrown (in this case, the URI of the returned NamespacedName is null).

Specified by:
getQualifiedName in interface XMLEventParser
qName - a qualified name (like: "xs:element").
NamespacedName containing the namespace URI and the local name of the given qualified name. (the prefix is not kept).
XMLParseException - If the qualified name contains a prefix not mapped to a namespace.


public XMLObjectFactory getFactory()
                            throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Get a factory able to instantiate objects corresponding to XML elements. This method never returns null, if the factory is not defined an exception is thrown.

Specified by:
getFactory in interface XMLEventParser
a factory able to instantiate objects corresponding to XML elements.
XMLParseException - if the factory is not defined.


public Object getCustomObject(Object key)
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Get back any custom object that was put in with the putCustomObject(key, value) method.

Specified by:
getCustomObject in interface XMLEventParser
key - key of the custom object.
the custom object.


public void putCustomObject(Object key,
                            Object value)
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Put a custom object in an internal Map.
It can be retrieved later with getCustomObject(key) method.

Specified by:
putCustomObject in interface XMLEventParser
key - key of the custom object.
value - custom object.


public void throwUnexpectedNamespaceException(String expected)
                                       throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Throw an exception telling that the namespace of the current element (the one that was just passed to a startElement(..) or endElement(..) method) is unexpected. If the expected namespace URI is passed as parameter, it is added in the message.
The current location of the parser (current element tag, current line, current column, file name) is added to the message if available.

Specified by:
throwUnexpectedNamespaceException in interface XMLEventParser
expected - the expected namespace URI. If null, no expected namespace URI is mentioned in the exception message.


public void throwUnexpectedElementException(String expectedTags)
                                     throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Throw an exception telling that the current element (the one that was just passed to a startElement(..) or endElement(..) method) is unexpected. If the expected tags are passed as parameter, they are added in the message.
The current location of the parser (current element tag, current line, current column, file name) is added to the message if available.

Specified by:
throwUnexpectedElementException in interface XMLEventParser
expectedTags - the expected element tag(s). If you expect several different tags, you can enumerate them in this parameter (for example by separating them with commas). It is simply added in the exception message. If null, no expected tags are mentioned in the exception message.


public void throwParseException(String message,
                                Throwable cause)
                         throws XMLParseException
Description copied from interface: XMLEventParser
Throw an exception with given message and cause.
The current location of the parser (current element tag, current line, current column, file name) is added to the message if available.

Specified by:
throwParseException in interface XMLEventParser
message - the exception message (rem: parser location is added).
cause - the exception cause


protected void transformAndThrowException(Exception source)
                                   throws XMLParseException


protected abstract void addLocationInfo(XMLParseException xpe)


protected void setup(XMLSerializable rootHandler)


protected void tearDown()


protected void pushPrefixMappingInNextLevel(String prefix,
                                            String namespaceURI)


protected void startElementImpl(String uri,
                                String localName)
                         throws Exception


protected void endElementImpl(String uri,
                              String localName)
                       throws Exception

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