Interface XMLObjectFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XMLObjectFactory

Interface for a factory able to create Objects corresponding to a given XML element (or attribute).

Method Summary
 XMLSerializable createObject(String namespaceUri, String localName, XMLEventParser parser)
          Create an object corresponding to the XML element of the given name.

Method Detail


XMLSerializable createObject(String namespaceUri,
                             String localName,
                             XMLEventParser parser)
                             throws XMLParseException
Create an object corresponding to the XML element of the given name.

namespaceUri - the namespace URI of the XML element.
localName - the local name of the XML element.
parser - The current XML event parser, it is only used to have a locator of the current line in case of exception. (you can pass null if you don't need line reporting).
XMLParseException - if the object is not defined or cannot be instantiated.

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