Class ClassObjectFactory

  extended by net.sf.xolite.utils.ClassObjectFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassObjectFactory
extends Object
implements XMLObjectFactory

Simple implementation of XmlObjectFactory based on class names.
Using this factory implies that the objects constructed by the factory have public constructor with no parameters.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 XMLSerializable createObject(String namespaceUri, String localName, XMLEventParser parser)
          Create an object corresponding to the XML element of the given name.
 void defineElement(String localName, Class<?> clazz)
          Add the definition of an element without namespace to this factory.
 void defineElement(String localName, String className)
          Add the definition of an element without namespace to this factory.
 void defineElement(String namespaceUri, String localName, Class<?> clazz)
          Add the definition of an element to this factory.
 void defineElement(String namespaceUri, String localName, String className)
          Add the definition of an element to this factory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClassObjectFactory()
Method Detail


public void defineElement(String localName,
                          Class<?> clazz)
Add the definition of an element without namespace to this factory.
The namespace information will be ignored by the factory for this element.
Note: the given class must define a public constructor with no parameters and must implement the XMLSerializable interface.

localName - the local name of the element.
clazz - the class of the object to be created.


public void defineElement(String localName,
                          String className)
Add the definition of an element without namespace to this factory.
The namespace information will be ignored by the factory for this element.
Note: the given class must define a public constructor with no parameters and must implement the XMLSerializable interface.

localName - the local name of the element.
className - the fully qualified class name of the object to be created.


public void defineElement(String namespaceUri,
                          String localName,
                          Class<?> clazz)
Add the definition of an element to this factory.
Note: the given class must define a public constructor with no parameters and must implement the XMLSerializable interface.

namespaceUri - the element namespace URI
localName - the local name of the element.
clazz - the class of the object to be created.


public void defineElement(String namespaceUri,
                          String localName,
                          String className)
Add the definition of an element to this factory.
Note: the given class must define a public constructor with no parameters and must implement the XMLSerializable interface.

namespaceUri - the element namespace URI
localName - the local name of the element.
className - the fully qualified class name of the object to be created.


public XMLSerializable createObject(String namespaceUri,
                                    String localName,
                                    XMLEventParser parser)
                             throws XMLParseException
Create an object corresponding to the XML element of the given name.

Specified by:
createObject in interface XMLObjectFactory
namespaceUri - the namespace URI of the XML element.
localName - the local name of the XML element.
parser - The current XML event parser, it is only used to have a locator of the current line in case of exception. (you can pass null if you don't need line reporting).
XMLParseException - if the object is not defined or cannot be instantiated.

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