Package net.sf.xolite

Main package of the X-O lite XML-to-Objects binding API.


Interface Summary
XMLEventParser Interface for parsing XML with simplified event handling.
XMLObjectFactory Interface for a factory able to create Objects corresponding to a given XML element (or attribute).
XMLSerializable Interface implemented by object to be serialisable (back and forth) to XML.
XMLSerializer Interface of support object used to serialize XMLSerializable objects to XML.

Class Summary
Attributes A helper class to get formatted value out of XML element attributes.
ElementText A helper class to get formatted value out of XML element text.
NamespacedName Class holding a "local name" and a "namespace URI".

Exception Summary
XMLParseException Exception for XML parsing.
XMLSerializeException Exception for XML serialization.

Package net.sf.xolite Description

Main package of the X-O lite XML-to-Objects binding API.
This package defines the main interfaces and classes of the X-O lite API.

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